- We are committed to designing renewable energy projects that deliver outstanding biodiversity net gains wherever possible. Our biodiversity initiatives include wildflower planting, installing bat boxes and bee boxes, and planting and enhancing native hedgerows.
- Our solar projects displace thousands of tonnes of CO2 from fossil fuel sources every year they operate, which is up to forty years.
- Our company Head Office has outstanding low carbon credentials. Smart lighting, water saving technology, and a zero-to-landfall waste contract, all reduce the carbon footprint of our day-to-day workplace.
- Every day we help reduce greenhouse emissions by recycling paper, encouraging a paper free office environment, and using recycled paper for all of our corporate brochures and newsletters. In 2023 we recycled 680kg of paper that will be reused, saving more trees!
- As well as encouraging our employees to car share or take public transport whenever possible for work trips, we have also introduced a cycle to work scheme. Each of these transport initiatives support the reduction of CO2 helping to create a cleaner, greener environment.